Architectural Requests

Be aware of your HOA rules

Different HOAs have varying policies regarding landscaping, painting, shed installations, and other requests for the Architectural Committee. Check on the color pallete specific to your HOA (if applicable) and read up on your CCRs before submitting a request.

How does this work?

If you want to make any significant additions (pools, sheds, lighting fixtures, solar panels, building extension, painting, etc...) to the exterior of your home or any removals (cutting down trees, switching out bushes, removing light fixtures, etc...) you fill out the form provided and submit it to the Architectural Committee for approval. From there, homeowners can wait for approval or attend the official meeting.

Forms should include as much information as possible (Maps, blueprints, contractors, images, permits, color swatches, etc...) to ensure fast approval.

You must still submit a form for approval if you are repainting your house the same or different colors. DO NOT START CONSTRUCTION WITHOUT APPROVAL. This will result in a violation and possible fine.

Best way to send us the Application

Please remember a few items when submitting the application:

  • Fill out the physical application. Even with the online submissions, we still need something clear and with a signature for our files.

  • Try out ACC submissions through Cinc. This is your personal login. Remember, submissions through there still need documents to be attached.

  • Email is good! We can quickly look up your application for any last minute submissions.

  • Attach as much info as possible. We want to present plenty.

  • Give us your address in the subject or email! We want to find your information quickly and place with the right HOA.

  • Give some details in your email. Empty emails can be flagged for spam or hard to find for meetings. Try putting down your house address or HOA name.

  • Let us know if you have any questions. Some HOAs have color pallets or other rules.

Best Example Email

To: Subject: 1234 Example St. - Happy Acres HOA - Architectural Application . Details: Hi,   I'm Jane Doe, from 1234 Example St. in Happy Acres HOA. Please find attached my architectural application for painting and the color swatches.   I want to paint my house Naval Grey, with a Betty White trim, and Soylent Green color for the door. I'll be using Van Gogh's Painting LLC once it's approved. Is there a color pallet or any additional items for me to provide?  Sincerely, Jane Doe 863-555-1234
Blank Architectural Request Form 2-25-2022.pdf